two & three year old program
monday - friday
8:00 am -11:00am
must be two by September of that year
curriculum approach
children will be encouraged to freely express themselves through art. they will each have the ability to create in their own unique way. in their beautiful minds & when boundaries are not present, masterpieces evolve.
the provocations that develop into classroom themes will be explored through stories told to the children, and through the children's natural wonderings. knowledge acquisition from those wonderings and curiosities will be developed into both individual and cooperatively created books throughout the year. Letters and prewriting skills will be threaded through the themes explored.
numeracy will be encouraged through varied materials, learning theories and manipulatives.
children will be introduced to song through the many music genres. they will be encouraged to find the heartbeat of the earth…create rhythm and learn from the way their bodies respond to it.
all year long, the children will take part in activities that will stimulate their senses. These activities will be the breeding ground for newfound understandings. We will explore with sand, dirt, water, mud, puddles & most often, our beautiful playground where being one with the earth will be generously encouraged.
through dance, yoga, & toddler tumbling we will explore the way our bodies move. we will practice breathing exercises and calm down methods every day.
possibly the most important lessons taught to our children here at our special program are the skills involved in being a good friend to each other, to their families, to themselves and to the world; kindness, compassion, empathy. . . through imaginative exploration & play, these foundation setting skills will evolve. Learning how to understand all of the other big feelings they feel as littles will also be a main focus
Daily Rhythm Sample
Arrival at SIECLC
Good Morning Song
Set Intentions for the Day
Investigations & Sensory Activities
Story Time
Outdoor Play
Closing Circle with Goodbye Song
Pick-up Outside